Where To Buy Marijuana Seeds

Before you grow your very own marijuana plant, you need to pick out which strain you would like to grow for the next few months. For beginners that are growing marijuana indoors for the first time, you have to consider whether you would like to buy auto-flowering cannabis seeds or regular seeds.

Auto-flowering seeds are great for first-time growers. The reason for that is for one reason only: auto-flower seeds are feminized. With regular seeds, there's a 50% chance of the flower becoming female or male. If the flower becomes male, you have to weed that out or else it will effect your entire crop. I started off with auto-flower seeds, so that I didn't have to worry about the gender of the plant.

Another reason for using auto-flower is that, like its name, the seed will automatically go into vegetative stage to flowering stage with time, despite the amount of light you use. Whether or not you want it, it will happen. Regular seeds will not flower unless you want it to. You can keep the plant in vegetative stage and grow height with it before you decide to flower it.

When deciding on the type of strain you want, don't get carried away with window shopping all the different types of strain of cannabis. There's a lot. Instead of the name of strain and effects, you should worry about the height it grows at, how fast does it grow, and how many can you grow at once. I remember growing Purple Haze and although it was extremely purple, the yield was way below average, and the height was extremely short. Make sure to choose the qualities you want. I suggest starting with Big Buds or Lemon Haze. Lemon Haze is one of the best seeds to grow as a beginner or amateur.

So where can you buy these marijuana seeds?


There's a bunch of websites online that offer various amounts of strains from different companies. It's insane that different types of strains there are. World Of Seeds has gone big the past few years. If you are looking for seeds to grow with as a beginner, I would suggest starting there.